The Fabulous World of VK

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Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Daddy goes it alone

Andrea got some much needed baby free time toniht and played golf with the girls. That left daddy home with VK for several hours (possibly the longest stint of VK's life). We had an excellent time, including:
  1. Eating a whole bowl of oatmeal ceral
  2. A bath (she needed it after the cereal)
  3. A walk
  4. Watching cars
  5. Sitting up by herself and watching daddy play guitar & play Xbox
  6. Trying to have her dinner from a bottle instead of a breast
  7. Trying to go to bed
  8. Crying
  9. Screaming
  10. Laughing at Daddy trying to get her to sleep

In the end she went to sleep two hours late, thank goodness for sheer exhaustion. We survived, but sadly no pictures.


At 12:08 PM, Blogger Deborah said...

Thanks for taking one for the team, Dad. Mom's a lot of fun to golf with, and she has a great swing (even if she is afraid of her irons). We might even try to steal her again next week. Fair warning.


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