Gastronomy 101
The Doctor cleared VK to start her gastronomic adventures and begin eating more solids besides cereal. The trick is to only introduce new stuff every 3 days or so as to easily isolate allergies or digestive issues related to particular foods. We started with sweet potatoes. Andrea whipped up an interesting yam concoction using the blender, but VK wasn't particularly fond of it, then we tried some sweet potatoes from a jar, which she didn't mind too much. The thing is, as you can tell from the pictures, it is hard to tell how much she is consuming since much of it goes in, then comes out or never quite makes it in in the first place.

Sweet Potato

More sweet Potato
Also it turns out that this initial phase of eating (while still breastfeeding) is more for the development of the mouth/tongue than for caloric value. Some study somewhere suggests that babies who eat solids earlier develop better speech skills (or something like that).
I say gimme the spoon cuz it is just plain old fun to feed a baby!
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