Evening walks
We have been trying to take walks in the evening between dinner and bath time with VK, and it usually amounts to pushing her in her little car or in the stroller. Lately though she has prefered to walk with us instead. Several times she has walked all the way to the park opting to ride home in the stroller.
Last night was a big night at the dinner table where she sat in a booster seat in a real chair at the real table with mom and dad. She then on her own grabbed dads Chicago Cubs baseball hat an put it on her head (it is rare for hats to stay on her head for long and even more rare for her to put them on by herself). We walked to the park with our tennis rackets and took over the tennis court. Fortunately there wasn't anyone else there, but VK loved it. Running around with a racket chasing balls and laughing and generally having a blast. After that there was a little swinging on the swing set and a ride home in the stroller.
Needless to say she slept through the night.
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