Big party weekend for VK
What a weekend. Phew.
Saturday we went to a party at Kristin's house for pork and beans and beers and good friends. VK got all dressed up for the occasion (Dad had to iron her dress which he found much more to his liking than ironing his shirts).

Ready for a party!
Sunday the ladies of the Mom's group conspired to get the Dad's together along with the Mom's and the babies at our house. We had beautiful weather, met a bunch of very nice people, and mostly got out of the way and let the babies have fun.

VK hosts her friends.
Babies are a much more social bunch than I would have thought. They all sat and played with each others toys and each other for hours.

VK played with other peoples toys. Whee!

The whole gang got together for a group photo.

More group photos.
I personally enjoyed meeting new people, both babies and adults. VK was an excellent hostess, welcoming her friends to her home with open arms.
Also a couple of minor updates:
(Without jinxing it I hope) VK has slep reasonable well for the last couple of nights,`my suspicion is that this is driven by our difficult and heartless technique of letting her "cry it out" at 10:30ish. It seems that getting her over her first wake-up hump has the net effect of convincing her that she can sleep for 6 hours. After one night of crying it out she took excellent naps and slept in a bit in the morning. This is making her parents much more sane.
VK is now on her 6th new semi-solid food. She started with rice cereal, moved on to Oatmeal cereal, yams, carrots, squash, and now is on the pears. Imagine if you cataloged every food you had ever tried. Some people would have a very large catalog of items, and people like me would have one sheet of paper that said:
1) Macaroni and cheese
2) Captain crunch cereal
3) peanutbutter and Jelly
4) beer
Hopefully my daughter will have more diverse tastes than I.
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