The Fabulous World of VK

What is going on in VK's world? Find out here!

Sunday, November 21, 2004

VK and her buddy Jacob

VK invited her friend over for dinner (she even invited his parents Matthew and Tenley).

VK and Jacob greet each other and play as if there is some sort of connection. They play like crazy children. They share toys, they play tug of war with toys, they climb all over each other. They pull hair and poke eyes. They make each other laugh and sometimes (although rarely) they make each other cry.

It is amazing to watch such a human connection happen with infants. They love each other, and enjoy being together.

Socializing your children can be a wonderful experience, and it is even better when it comes with great adult company as well!

Jacob wishes VK would get off of his back!

VK and her dinner guest.

One of these days I am going to learn how to brush this mess!

Another reminder that accidents can happen in the home!

Daddy and VK need a nap!

Teaching VK the drums

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

A visit from Anna

This weekend we had breakfast with the Borders family at our house, this is the 2nd visit that VK has had from her friend Anna, who is about 6 months older than VK and is walking quite well.
Everyone had fun, EVEN the grownups.


Anna shows VK how it works.

VK and Anna play with Books

Monday, November 15, 2004

I'm gonna get ya!



"and let me tell you one more thing"!

Wild Hair

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Caption contest!!

OK, Time for a fun caption contest. VK found herself in this precarious situation today and was a little stuck.
Click on the comment button at the bottom of this post and offer up your suggested captions. The winner will get recognition on this blog and a fabulous prize of my choosing.

Seriously folks, it is a contest. If you don't enter you can't win!!

Your caption here . . .

Some examples:
"Where is the Batman when you need him?"
"Is that guy with the camera still behind me?"
"These things always look so easy to get over in the movies"
"Rats, Sesame Street is on and I am stuck up here on this gate!"

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Saying goodbye to the Grandparents

Clowning around with Grampa John

From the archive: VK demonstrates the LeapFrog table to her friends.

Monday, November 01, 2004

When football got boring mommy was there.

The view from our seats.

VK Cheering for the Seahawks!

VK and Daddy at the Experience Music Project in Seattle.

VK has definite tomboy potential.