The Fabulous World of VK

What is going on in VK's world? Find out here!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

VK's lightning bolt hat.

VK begrudgingly tells Santa what she wants for Christmas.

Getting better

Not quite ready to sit on Santa's lap

The Baloon guy set's up VK with some ballon wizardry.

Mom and VK ready to have burnch with Santa.

Princess VK admires the Little Mermaid Snowglobe that she earned by using the potty, while . . . well . . . using the potty.

Hey Cowgirl! (Nice Princess Sandals)

Where's VK?

It's a work of art, or a still dirty pan.

Gramma Diane reading bedtime stories from the "Princess Collection".

VK wears her Turkey Trot shirt.

VK sporting her new Jarret Jack jersey.

Big Foam Finger! GO Blazers!