Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Sunday, August 28, 2005
A rockin party!
We had a party at the house this weekend, mostly for the band to play for real live people, and VK as usual was a wonderful hostess, running around making friends, sharing her yard and toys with other kids and charming the grown-ups. She even took her turn on drums and sang a few choice words into the mic.
For pictures of the actual band you can go here: I Wanna Rock!
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Evening walks
We have been trying to take walks in the evening between dinner and bath time with VK, and it usually amounts to pushing her in her little car or in the stroller. Lately though she has prefered to walk with us instead. Several times she has walked all the way to the park opting to ride home in the stroller.
Last night was a big night at the dinner table where she sat in a booster seat in a real chair at the real table with mom and dad. She then on her own grabbed dads Chicago Cubs baseball hat an put it on her head (it is rare for hats to stay on her head for long and even more rare for her to put them on by herself). We walked to the park with our tennis rackets and took over the tennis court. Fortunately there wasn't anyone else there, but VK loved it. Running around with a racket chasing balls and laughing and generally having a blast. After that there was a little swinging on the swing set and a ride home in the stroller.
Needless to say she slept through the night.
Monday, August 15, 2005
I thought a quick update was in order. VK managed to get sick at the end of last week and was struggling with a runny nose and a cough all weekend. None of us slept very well all weekend, and she was generally un happy most of the time.
Today she is MUCH better. the below pictures are of one of the few happy times this weekend, when we were playing with her hair which even though it is plenty long to gather in a ponytail and put a hair thing on, it is still so curly that it hardly looks like much.

Sunday, August 07, 2005
Saturday, August 06, 2005
A day at the Zoo
The whole family got out of the house early this morning to head to the zoo to enjoy it when it was relatively cool and uncrowded. We were rewarded for our efforts with a fabulous time. The zoo was alive with animals enjoying the cool morning and there were no crowds until later.
We got to see the polar bears out and jumping in the water and eating fish, pet the goats, see the hippo out of the water, and generally have fun as a family.
It is really cool to reflect on the last time we visited the zoo as a family (not counting concert visits) and to see how much VK has grown, how she is really seeing things and remembering her favorites. The last time was Presidents day (February). Here is a photo from that visit: Riding the pony