The Fabulous World of VK

What is going on in VK's world? Find out here!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

VK and Friends at the "everybody turns 2" party

Sunday, March 26, 2006

The Barbie!

Visiting friends that have 2 older girls last weekend (while I was away boarding my brains out in Tahoe), Andrea and VK managed to accidentally come home with a couple of Barbie dolls.

This unfortunate accident wouldn't be a big deal except that these Barbies are not the conventional ones that just sit around and look silly . . . these sing.

“I’m just like you. You’re just like me. It’s something anyone can see. A heart that beats the voice that speaks the truth Yes I am a girl like you.”

and even more annoying . . .

“When you live your dreams You’ll find destiny It’s written in your heart.”

VK digs pushing the button on Barbie's now naked back (first thing to go were Barbie's clothes) and listening to her sing, then she started singing along (VK slurs the words, probably because she isn't sure what old Barb is singing). The Andrea chimed in . . . and let me tell you that Andrea, VK the drunken sailor, and Barbie singing happily along was mildly amusing at first, it lost it's charm after 2 or 3 repeat performances.

THEN . . . holy crikey! I found myself singing “When you live your dreams . . . "

Barbie needs to take her naked singing butt out of here or her battery is going to accidentally be removed.

Cari and Greg . . . don't think I haven't figured out how Barbie accidentally got left in Andrea's car! I am on to you!

VK is ready!

All winter this year we have been going to the mountain as a family and leaving VK in daycare at the lodge while Andrea and I snowboard for a few hours. We then pick up V in daycare, jump in the car and go home. Inevitably it involves a stop at McDonalds for "Chicken Fingers" and fries. This is a fun family outing and is enjoyed by all.

Today after such an outing we unloaded the car upon returning home, then Andrea ran out to the grocery. VK and I stayed home and played in the basement. VK became fascinated with our gear and said "go snowboarding Daddy!" and began putting my helmet and goggles on. She then climbed into Andrea's boots. The picture below is evidence.

I think she has about had it with daycare and is ready for some action!

VK ready to shred.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

The new Red Crocs

Goodbye crib. Hello Big Girl Bed!

VK mastered the art of climbing out of the crib in one try and graduated to the big girl bed easily.

1st BGB Story

Making Betty feel comfortable with the BGB (Big girl bed)

Thursday, March 02, 2006

That was AWESOME!

Checking out the penguins with Grampa John