Saturday, July 31, 2004
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Daddy goes it alone
Andrea got some much needed baby free time toniht and played golf with the girls. That left daddy home with VK for several hours (possibly the longest stint of VK's life). We had an excellent time, including:
- Eating a whole bowl of oatmeal ceral
- A bath (she needed it after the cereal)
- A walk
- Watching cars
- Sitting up by herself and watching daddy play guitar & play Xbox
- Trying to have her dinner from a bottle instead of a breast
- Trying to go to bed
- Crying
- Screaming
- Laughing at Daddy trying to get her to sleep
In the end she went to sleep two hours late, thank goodness for sheer exhaustion. We survived, but sadly no pictures.
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Because baby pictures never get old!
Here are pictures from our lovely evening at the Mt. Tabor free concerts in the park. Tonight we saw Johnny Martin (Lounge/Big band. No guitar! YUCK!!) and enjoyed falafel.
(If baby pictures do actually get old you can tell me by clicking on the [comments] link and typing some fun and witty comment for our amusement).

Family self-portrait at the Mt. Tabor concert, perhaps this is why family self-portraits aren't very popular.

Sittin on the lawn with Mom.

VK wonders what Falafel tastes like.

Sky baby!!
Monday, July 26, 2004
Sunday, July 25, 2004
Saturday, July 24, 2004
Friday, July 23, 2004
Thursday, July 22, 2004
First solid food (or taking the new chair for a test spin)
We felt that VK was ready to be introduced to "solid" food, which really means rice cereal at this point. It is more milk than cereal, but it is a pretty good start. She really likes the spoon, and the sippy cup and is doing well in her new highchair. Here is photo evidence of the experience, which was messy and hilarious.

Practicing for VK's first "solid" food, she needs some work.

Here we go!

M O R E !

This isn't so bad.

Gimmee a kiss!
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Happy Birthday Aunt Hillary
VK often finds herself wondering (In little baby wonders of course) "When is Aunt Hillary coming home to Portland"?
Monday, July 19, 2004
The Indigo Girls at the Zoo
Last night VK went to her second concert, the sold out Indigo Girls show at the zoo. Shawn Mullins opened followed by the Indigo Girls.
It was a lovely evening (once that giant ball of fire in the sky went below the horizon and stopped scorching our flesh!) hanging out with Bryce and Jen and listening to the fantastic acoustic music.
VK even went near the stage, but didn't quite associate the ladies playing guitar on the stage with her Dad's guitar playing. Perhaps it was because she is used to my crappy guitar playing and the Girls sounded to good.
There would be cool photographic evidence of VK's coolness hanging out at the concert except I forgot the camera in my haste.
Monday, July 12, 2004
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
Where in the world is VK?
VK has been up at Timberline Lodge on Mt. Hood and at the Skamania Lodge with her mother visiting her traveling relatives. Tomorrow everyone will be here at the house, and the photos will flow freely once again.
Because I miss her I am posting one of her newborn pictures today.

She used to be so tiny.